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ZLoaderMgl 2.1 (Zemmix Neo rom launcher.)

술만먹으면개 2014. 6. 24. 19:06

This is small front-end for OCM(One Chip MSX) compatible hardware rom/dsk launcher.

This software does not have any ROM or DSK files for MSX cause you guys need to download from anywhere and copy those into the folders.


1. There are some folders like these when you extract file.

2. Copy files into the folders. (You could use TOSEC rom sets with long filename.)

0MULTI: Multi-Disk files with *.DSK extension. (ex. Aleste 2)

MAGAZIN : Magazine files with *.DSK extension. (ex. Diskstation)

MSX1DSK: MSX 1 Disk files with *.DSK extension.

MSX1ROM: MSX 1 ROM files with *.ROM extension.

MSX2DSK: MSX 2 Disk files with *.DSK extension.

MSX2ROM: MSX 2 ROM files with *.ROM extension.

MSX2RMG: MSX 2 mega ROM files with *.ROM extension. (ex. Hydlide 3)

 -> Copy some of huge rom files like hydlide 3, nobunaga's yabou into this folder.

MSXPLUS: MSX 2 Multi Disk files with *.DSK extension. (Generates automatically)

You could use long file names but DO NOT COPY files into MSXPLUS folder.

(It removes all the files in MSXPLUS when you execute AllRomsetGen.exe

3. Execute AllRomsetGen.exe in Windows PC.

Press FolderScan button then you will see this 

It says 'Copy Folder Except 0MULTI'. Do not copy 0MULTI folder into SD card.

Disk files must named like tosec romset naming. 

For example:

1789 - La Revolution (19xx)(Legend Software)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)(Game Disk).dsk

1789 - La Revolution (19xx)(Legend Software)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)(Images 1 Disk).dsk

1789 - La Revolution (19xx)(Legend Software)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)(Images 2 Disk).dsk

Then AllRomsetGen.exe copy these files into MSXPLUS folder with renamed.




It means 'MSXPLUS' folder is just cloned folder with 8.3 format. Just rename it automatically. ep.com executes these files with '*' key cause it never has any problem.

4. Insert SD card into OCM based machine like OCM, ZemmixNeo, or MiniIQ3000 .

It will show every files that you copied into SD card with long name. (The name will be scrolled automatically.)

5. There is some hotkeys to use ZLoaderMgl.

With Keyboard:

Direction keys: Change selection.

Tab or ']' key : Change to next folder. (The first screen is Favorites.)

'[' key : Change to previous folder. 

1~8 key : Change to folder number. 0: Favorites, 1: MSX1ROM... etc.

a~z key : Select file that starts with 'a~z'. 

'-' key : Change next game option. (Save to disk, multi cartridge option.. etc.)

'+' key : Change previous game option.

'Enter' key : Execute the file that you selected.

With Joypad:

Direction keys: Change selection.

"B' with Right key : Change to next folder. (The first screen is Favorites.)
"B' with Left key : Change to previous folder. 

"B' with Up key : Change next game option. (Save to disk, multi cartridge option.. etc.)

"B' with Down key : Change previous game option.

'A' key: Execute the file that you selected.


1. You could use any folder but I recommend you do not copy MSX1DSK files into SD card. MSX1DSK files are too big to fit in 2Gb SD memory and 2Gb is the maximum capacity for OCM. 

2. Format SD memory with '64k block with FAT16'. It is much faster to use.

3. Check windows folder option to show all files in folder. You could not see AUTOEXEC.BAT when you enable 'hide system files' option in windows.

4. My English sucks. Cause if there is any kinds of language problem, you need to understand that I am not American. 

ZLoaderMgl 2.1.zip